• cherry blossom, japan, symbol

Meaning of the cherry blossom in Japan

posted in: BLOG, Culture, Home ideas, Japan, Lifestyle | 0

Spring has arrived!

In Japan, the cherry blossom is more than just a beautiful tree. There are thousands and thousands of them and each year the Japanese people anticipate and follow the blossoming of the trees closely watching cherry blossom forecast. When the trees are in full bloom, people gather under the tree to admire and appreciate the beauty and enjoy the company with food and drink. It’s called “Hanami” It translates as Viewing of the flowers. This culture goes back at least thousand years and the cherry blossom represents the fragility and the beauty of life. When the cherry blossom trees bloom for a short time each year in brilliant force, they serve as a visual reminder of how precious and short life is.

Cherry blossoms are a symbolic flower of the spring, a time of renewal, and the fleeting nature of life.

While British schools begin in September, the Japanese fiscal and school year begins in April, the season of sakura (cherry blossom). We feel like the fully bloomed cherry blossoms are celebrating and welcoming our brand-new start. Many schools and companies have cherry trees outside of them. This is why Japanese people have special feelings for the cherry blossoms.

The cherry blossom is the symbol of the bright future in Japan and we are surrounded by it all our life on the chopsticks or the cup we use to drink our green tea.

Our customers love it when they make their own photo frame with a selection of cherry blossom origami papers or drawing a cherry blossom tree on the fan to cherish them for a long time.