Japanese Yuzen paper photo frame

posted in: BLOG, Culture, Japan, Party | 0

I’m preparing some wa-shi for Mia ‘s 10th Birthday party. She is having a Kimono makeover and Japanese photo frame workshop. I’m cutting some Japanese Yuzen papers and handmade Suki papers to fit into the frame. This is going to be a … Continued

Lucky Direction Roll

posted in: BLOG, Culture, Japan, Lifestyle, Party | 0

On February 4th, we celebrated Setsubun. Setsubun (節分, Bean-Throwing Festival or Bean-Throwing Ceremony) is the day before the beginning of Spring in Japan (3rd, Feb) according to the Lunar calendar. The name literally means “seasonal division”. Well, it was far from feeling spring … Continued

Girl’s Kimono party

posted in: BLOG, Culture, DECO SUSHI, Japan, Party | 2

It was in the sunniest and the hottest record-breaking October, I organized a kimono party for the girls of 6 & 5 years-olds. They were enthusiastic about Kimono/Japanese party and I was so excited to see what their reactions to … Continued