How to write save the date email

posted in: BLOG, Culture, Japan, Lifestyle, Party | 0

イギリスで生活を始めて、子供のバースデーパーティが盛んな事に驚く日本人はたくさんいると思います。そして、特に仕事の転勤などで移住してきた日本人の家庭は、異文化や英語に慣れないため、子供のためにどうやってしてあげていいか分からない方も多いのが現状です。よく、”子供にやって欲しいとせがまれてたんですが、英語が苦手なので今までできなかったんです。” ”今回初めてパーティやるので、分からない事が多いのですが、、。”という言葉をお客様からもらいます。そういう時、自分の経験や知識が役に立つのが嬉しくてアドバイスをするのですが、良く聞かれるのが、ゲストの親に日程をあけてもらうために送るemailの書き方です。今回はkimono partyのひな壇を紹介します。kimono partyを今回はやらない人(!)は少し改良して使ってくださいね。 Planning your child’s birthday party requires a lot of tasks. A lot of my Japanese customers are the birthday party virgins and I feel so useful giving them my advise. The first thing you need to do … Continued

Children’s party guide – angels & urchins mag

posted in: BLOG, Lifestyle, Party | 1

If you are looking for a unique and original children’s party, angels & urchin’s website is the best place to check. Go to children’s party guide page for some ideas and inspirations.  All the entertainers and suppliers are carefully hand … Continued

Families North West London

posted in: BLOG, Party | 0

We are so delighted that North West London magazine interviewed me for their party article. They asked why our kimono party is fantastic and some views on parties for older children. You can read the issue here Families North West London 

A perfect birthday gift idea for girls

posted in: BLOG, Culture, Fashion, Party | 0

Are you stuck with the ideas of what to give for a young lady, every time your child gets invited to the party? Every girl loves to sparkle up with the precious jewellery. When it comes to the children’s accessories, … Continued

Girl’s Kimono party

posted in: BLOG, Culture, DECO SUSHI, Japan, Party | 2

It was in the sunniest and the hottest record-breaking October, I organized a kimono party for the girls of 6 & 5 years-olds. They were enthusiastic about Kimono/Japanese party and I was so excited to see what their reactions to … Continued